Quality Reports

Serve It Up Training Pty Ltd, trading as Serve It Up is registered with the Victorian Registrations and Qualifications Authority (VRQA).

To check our registration details as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) click here. This website will provide a summary of our RTO, scope of registration (what courses we can deliver), key contacts, restrictions and what States we can deliver in.

Serve It Up believe in delivering quality training and assessment. We ensure we comply with the Victorian Governments Quality Charter as well as our own service standards.

SIU Service Standards

  1. Be transparent 
  2. Be honest
  3. Be better – strive to continuously improve 
  4. Be yourself and let others be themselves – equality for all
  5. Be informed

Quality Indicators - Student and Employer Surveys

To view the latest quality indicator report click here. The students (if applicable) and employers surveyed for these indicators were selected by this organisation in accordance with national guidelines.

Audit Reports

The last audit conducted by the regulatory body was in August 2021, this was a re-registration audit which we successfully passed.